Conference Series LLC LTD extends warm invitation to all the participants across the globe to attend “12th World Congress on Cell and Tissue Science”(Celltissue Science 2019) which is going to be held during September 13-14,2019 in Singapore which includes prompt Keynote Presentations, Workshops, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions working under the fields Cell Therapy, Gene Therapy, Anti-Aging, Cell Biology, Stem Cells, Organ Regeneration, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine to discuss materials-related strategies and new innovation for disease remediation and prevention.
Cell Tissue Science 2019 aims to strengthen the collaboration and to provide a forum for academicians, professionals and researchers to discuss and exchange their research ideas, innovation ideas and experience in aspects of intelligences and advance technologies as well as identifying the emerging topics which will define the future directions to achieve sustainable development. You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to Cell Tissue Science 2019.
Conference Highlights
- Cell Biology
- Cellular and Gene Therapy
- Tissue Engineering
- Tissue Repair and Regeneration
- Cancer Cell Biology
- Advancement in Cancer Treatments
- Stem Cells and its Applications
- Biomaterial and Bioengineering
- Biobanking
- Epigenetics and Epigenome
- Artificial Organs
- Tissue Culture and Preservation
- Regenerative Medicine
- Anti-Aging Medicine
- Precision Medicine
- Ethical Issues and Marketing Status Around the Globe
Conference's Important Links:
Conference Website: https://tissuesciencecongress.conferenceseries.com
Link for Conference Brochure Download: https://tissuesciencecongress.conferenceseries.com/conference-brochure.php
Link for Abstract Submission: https://tissuesciencecongress.conferenceseries.com/abstract-submission.php
Link for registration: https://tissuesciencecongress.conferenceseries.com/registration.php
Submit the abstract and biography along with your latest photography through our online abstract submission page.